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Hardware Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine — Working Principle and Advantages

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Hardware parts will become old, dirty and black after being used for a long time. If you want to restore their original luster, you need the help of hardware ultrasonic cleaner. So what is the hardware ultrasonic cleaner? How does it work? This article will introduce the working principle and advantages of the hardware ultrasonic cleaning machine.

Hardware parts

Hardware parts

Brief introduction of hardware ultrasonic cleaner

The ultrasonic wave propagates in the liquid, making the liquid and the cleaning tank vibrate together at the ultrasonic frequency. When the liquid and the cleaning tank vibrate, they have their own natural frequency. This vibration frequency is the acoustic frequency, so people can hear the buzz. With the continuous development of the cleaning industry, more and more industries and enterprises have applied ultrasonic cleaning machines.


Hardware degreasing

Hardware degreasing

The principle of the ultrasonic cleaning machine is that the high-frequency oscillation signal sent by the ultrasonic generator is converted into high-frequency mechanical oscillation through the transducer and transmitted to the medium cleaning solvent. The forward radiation of the ultrasonic wave in the cleaning solution makes the liquid flow and generates tens of thousands of 50-500 diameters μ M, the tiny bubbles in liquid vibrate under the action of sound field. These bubbles form and grow in the negative pressure area of ultrasonic longitudinal propagation, while in the positive pressure area, when the sound pressure reaches a certain value, the bubbles rapidly increase and then suddenly close. The shock wave will be generated when the bubble is closed, and thousands of atmospheres will be generated around the bubble to destroy the insoluble dirt and make them disperse in the cleaning solution. When the group particles are wrapped in oil and adhere to the surface of the cleaning part, the oil will be emulsified, and the solid particles will be separated, so as to achieve the purpose of cleaning parts purification. In the process of this so-called “cavitation” effect, bubble closure can form a high temperature of several Baidu and an instantaneous high pressure of more than 1000 air pressures.


Advantages of hardware ultrasonic cleaner

vacuum degassing

vacuum degassing

The advantages of Granbosonic ultrasonic cleaning machine are: good ultrasonic cleaning effect and simple operation. The sound that people hear is the sound wave signal with a frequency of 20-20000Hz. The sound wave higher than 20000Hz is called ultrasonic wave. The sound wave propagates longitudinally according to the sine curve, producing a large number of small bubbles. One reason is that the local tensile stress in the liquid forms negative pressure, and the reduction of pressure makes the gas originally dissolved in the liquid supersaturated, and then escapes from the liquid to become small bubbles; Another reason is that the strong tensile stress “tears” the liquid into a cavity, which is called cavitation.


The above is the working principle and advantages of the hardware ultrasonic cleaning machine. After reading the introduction of this article, we must have a certain understanding of the hardware ultrasonic cleaning machine. If you want to save time and effort when cleaning hardware parts in production and life, then hardware ultrasonic cleaner is a good choice!

If you are interested in ultrasonic cleaning machine, please contact our company!


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