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Can ultrasonic cleaning machine wash vinyl?

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A record is a medium for music distribution in a nutshell. Its physical form can be divided into early wire records, vinyl records and nowadays compact discs and so on.



A vinyl record is a record played on what used to be called a compact disc player. As we all know, the three natural enemies of vinyl records are dust, static electricity and moisture. If the surface of the record is covered with dust and static electricity, there will be annoying noise when playing if the surface of the record is covered with dust and static electricity; if the humidity is high, the record will become moldy. Therefore, there must be a feasible method to maintain and clean the records. So, can ultrasonic cleaning machine wash vinyl?

In order to have a clean base for the digital capture of the information recorded on vinyl records. This eliminates or at least minimizes the negative effects of dirt, dust, mildew, oil and other residues on the surface of vinyl records on the quality of the captured signals. It is necessary to clean vinyl records.

Selection of power frequency

Selection of power frequency

For vinyl cleaning methods that have become moldy or dirty, it is necessary to avoid playing vinyl while it is untreated. This is because mold and dust can squeeze in the needle and groove, thus harming the track. If you can use ultrasonic cleaning vinyl is also a good method. Ultrasonic cleaning machine can clean off the surface of the vinyl film dirt, will not affect the recording effect of the vinyl record and the sound quality, with simple operation, easy to use cleaning effect is good.

Ultrasonic cleaning principle lies in the ultrasonic vibration triggered by countless small bubbles, instantaneous burst produced by the micro-fine environment of temperature changes, resulting in liquid micro-beam jet impact. Achieve slack dirt purpose, the size of the bubble determines the implosion release of energy, the higher the frequency of the ultrasonic generator, the smaller the bubble produced, the larger the bubble implosion release released more energy, more intense cleaning power, small bubbles, it is beneficial to the cleaning of tiny objects or smoother surfaces. Lower frequency generated by the larger bubble is more suitable for coarse particles of pollutants cleaning.

Technical features of cleaning machine

Technical features of cleaning machine

Ultrasonic cleaning vinyl record is also very perfect, but in the cleaning is also need to pay attention to many issues such as: the vinyl itself is the body of water substances, ultrasonic cleaning solution needs to add some surface activator (non-ionic detergent, for example, p-tert-octyl phenol polyoxyethylene ether), strengthen the hydrophilic vinyl, improve the ultrasonic in the vinyl surface descaling strength. After cleaning, it should be dried immediately to keep the vinyl dry.

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